Afterburner Software Приложения

Perilous Passage 1.0.1
Afterburner Software
Made for the Ludum Dare 43 game competition with thetheme"sacrifices must be made" Background: Perilous Passage givesyouthe omnipotent power to decide which lazy drivers live anddie!Manipulate the bridges over the Rio Trio Bridgeo river to keepasmany drivers alive as possible, without lettingPolice/Firefightersperish! The fate of the mundane motorists is inyour hands. Sure,you want to save them all, but you will need tosacrifice a few (ora lot) to save America’s finest. How To Play:Touch and drag thebridges to move them in position to save carelessdrivers. Touch avehicle once to slam on its brakes. Touch it againto get it goingagain. Don’t let the Police/Firefighters die! If 5of them die,you’re done! You will have to give up on some civiliansto save allthe emergency vehicles. Live and let die!
Pixel Plane 0.9.4
Afterburner Software
Swoop through the clouds, get a high score, and compete againstyour Friends!
Aniballs 0.2.1
Afterburner Software
Rack up a high score by tapping on the Aniballs that matchthecenter image!
Loot n' Scoot 1.0.1
Afterburner Software
Rustle up all the loot in town, but get scootin' before yougetcaught!